Brittany Wray

Lead Teacher

Brittany attended Baylor University and earned degrees in Biology and Physical Therapy. A career path in behavior health brought her to work with children and adults with autism.

She holds multiple certifications in yoga and dance movement. Her variety of skills represents an evolved approach to improving development, health, and overall well-being for those on the autism spectrum. 

She has worked with a multitude of children of varying ages with ASD in both the outpatient and public school settings. She enjoys personalized therapy based on children’s individual interests. She combines motivating materials, functional treatment goals, and evidenced-based practice to teach skills to communicate more effectively and foster independence.

“My years of experience have taught me the value of both encouragement and patience in the unique environment of a special education classroom. In this setting, I am able to work closely with each student, providing the individualized support required. Throughout the years, I am grateful and appreciative of what I have learned from each child I have worked with; I cannot imagine having any other job.”